Self Defence Gadgets to Help You Stay Safe

Whether they’re designed to be cute and functional or over-the-top badass, self defence gadgets aim to help people feel safe when they’re out and about. With tasers becoming multi-functional and pepper sprays being embedded in cellphone cases, it seems...

What Makes Mace Spray Effective?

Mace spray is an effective self-defense product that can quickly incapacitate a human attacker. However, it’s important to understand what makes mace different from other defense products such as tear gas, so you can make the best choice for your needs. Alan Litman...

Pepper Ball Gun

A pepper ball gun is a nonlethal weapon used for crowd control and self-defense. It shoots plastic, sphere-shaped projectiles filled with a chemical irritant that breaks upon impact. The device that fires these projectiles resembles a paintball gun and uses compressed...

Using Pepper Spray Effectively in an Emergency

Pepper spray is a self-defense tool that can be used to incapacitate an attacker. It works by causing the eyes to water, which makes it difficult for your opponent to see, and also by irritating their skin and mucous membranes, which leads to pain and a burning...