Mace spray is an effective self-defense product that can quickly incapacitate a human attacker. However, it’s important to understand what makes mace different from other defense products such as tear gas, so you can make the best choice for your needs.

Alan Litman was an inventor who had submitted patent applications for a bacon cooker, waterless egg cooker and infrared nursing bottle heater, but it wasn’t until the mugging of his wife Doris that he decided to focus on creating a safe, non-lethal weapon. Using a mixture of phenacyl chloride (also known as CN) and other chemicals, Litman created the first chemical mace spray in the 1960s. After a few attempts at creating a nozzle and spray can, the new mace weapon was patented in 1967. Police departments from Scituate, MA to Chula Vista, CA started experimenting with the new weapon. Norman Mailer even referenced it in a story reporting on antiwar protests in Washington.

A defensive spray can be very effective against an attacker, as the vapors blind them and cause burning sensations on the face. They also cause difficulty breathing and can lead to unconsciousness. Typically, the effects of the spray last up to two hours, and they can be repeated as needed.

There are many different types of mace sprays on the market, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Some have UV dyes that can help you track and identify your attacker, while others have a gel stream that provides rapid stopping power with reduced blowback from wind. Regardless of which type you choose, it’s important to carry a can in case the need arises, as it will give you time to react.

The best mace sprays are easy to use, and they should come with clear instructions on how to operate them. To deploy the spray, you should aim at the eyes and facial region of your threat, and release a 1 to 2 second burst. After that, you should move away. Keeping your distance will help you determine if more bursts are required, but you should also keep an eye on the threat to make sure that it isn’t following you or re-attacking you.

Some people may be hesitant to purchase defense spray due to state regulations. While the laws vary, most states have found that it is legal for people to carry mace for self-defense purposes. However, some states like Massachusetts, New York, Michigan, California and Texas regulate the sale and possession of defense sprays.

It is possible to find affordable, high-quality mace sprays online. The key is to research the different options and decide how much you are willing to pay for a product that will provide safety and peace of mind. Then, choose the option that is right for you and your family. If you do end up purchasing a defense spray, make sure that it is legally allowed in your state before taking it with you on a camping trip or to work.